lunes, 24 de septiembre de 2007

Trabajo Practico 1º año "A" - Healthy Life.

Do you lead a healthy life?
School Project

Working Group:
Emanuel Mendoza
M. Belén Milesi
Juan Ignacio Monasterio
Julieta Parle
Mercedes Picciotto

Year and division: 1º "A"

Subject: English

Teacher: Maria Inés Agusti

Year: 2007


School Project

Title: Healthy Life

Objectives: The importance of leading a healthy life.
Healthy habits: Food – drinks – leisure activities – sports.
Difference between healthy and unhealthy – habits.
Habits and activities that spoil people’s lives destroying self-esteem, the ability to work, to study, to enjoy family, friends, to enjoy life.

Point of grammar: Routines: Present simple - do/does.
Adverbs of frequency.
Interrogative pronouns.

Vocabulary: Every activities – leisure activities
Food and drinks
Open questions – Yes/No questions
Answer Long/Short

--------------- Folder
---------------- Video – pictures – food pyramid – etc.
To do during the exhibition

lunes, 17 de septiembre de 2007


HABITOS DE VIDA SALUDABLE CURSO: PRIMER AÑO A TITULO: VIDA SALUDABLE Y FELIZOBJETIVOS GENERALES: Desempeñarse en las habilidades del idioma extranjero,investigando,dialogando, redactando información sobre hábitos y alimentación sana y perjudicial.Reconocer la importancia de abstenerse de consumir sustancias dañinas para la salud y/o capaces de crear adicciones o dependencias que arruinan la calidad de vida,enferman y crean infelicidad.OBJETIVOS ESPECIFICOS: GRAMATICA _____ Presente Simple, Adverbios de frecuencia,Pronombres interrogativos .Estructura de oraciones afirmativas, interrogativas y negativas. VOCABULARIO____ Rutinas, Actividades diarias, Actividadesdel tiempo libre.Distintos alimentos y sustancias que contienen, nombres de comidas. Horarios.Deportes,Televisión, video juegos,Internet.PRESENTACION: Formulación de una encuesta. (cuestionario y selección de opciones)Realización de la encuesta en el ámbito familiar y de amistades.Lectura e interpretación de resultados.Redacción y lectura de conclusiones.Construcción de cuadro de doble entrada con la información recavada en lasencuestas.Confección de una maqueta de la pirámide nutricional.

Annual project on HOW TO LEAD A HEALTHY LIFE:
Make a list of all the habits considered healthy
make a list of unhealthy habits
make a list of food and drinks considered good for your health.
make a list of food and drinks considered bad for your health.
write information about type s .of food and substances they contain.(proteins,carbohydratesfat,etc)
build a survey to discover people´s life habits.(follow instructions given in class)
work in groups of 5 or 6 order to survey as many persons as you can,and post the results.
include the general conclusions according to answers:a-b-c (explained in class)
build a double entry chart with the results of the survey.
write a general conclusion about the importance of keeping healthy habits of living.

jueves, 13 de septiembre de 2007



Gramáticales: Sustantivos contables e incontables - some any - like, would like - many much.
Vocabulary: distintos nombres de comidas y bebidas .
Everyday English: como formular pedidos amables Can/ Could you...........
Writing: redacción de listas de compras con el artículo cantidad y precio. Recetas de comidas con información nutricional.
Reading and listening: texto" La comida alrededor del mundo" y el artículo " the big man". Película " Super size me", "Una vida peligrosa" análisis y reflexión.

ACTIVITIES: students ......
1 look at differents recipes on the internet at,, and in groups they make one recipe including: title, time of preparation, ingredients and steps.
2 they create a document with pictures of the dish and cooking instructions by hand or on the computer.
3 After class, scan the recipes or format them in html and link the recipes to a central homepage.

4 choose a recipe to send to a partner school.
5 have the partner school send your school a recipe
6 each class tries to cook the other school`s recipe at home.
7 via email the students comment on their impressions:
-Was it difficult to cook?
-Could they get all the ingredients?
-If not, what did they do? Did you buy another one ?
- Did it taste good?
Remember to take photographs to illustrate the cookbook and include the nutritional information.
They can bring the food to school for other group to try.