*Brizuella Victoria
*Caretta Sofia
*Chiaromonte Bianca
*Zuccoli Agustina
BubbleShare: Share photos - Craft Ideas
Welcome to english department blog! In this place you will get the instructions in order to post your production. Teachers: María Inés Agusti, Elizabeth Ercoli y Gisela Pacheco.
3 comentarios:
¿Chicas se olvidaron de correjir? OJO: se escribe RAZOR con R.In this moment con THIS sigular.Y correjir THIS is not a solution for your differences.Chicas habia que correjirlos desde el bubbleshare cuando se los envie antes de publicarlo.CHECK IT!
Chicas el texto : this is not a solution for your differences esta cortado, chequear!!!
Cambiar: TO help him, en vez de FOR help him.Y you should think before doing somethig.
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